Popcorn theory!

Robin Williams says and I quote- “No matter what people tell you, words and  ideas can change the world”

We have heard it over and over again by different people in different styles, yet for majority of us the ‘pop’ of the popcorn theory hasn’t occurred yet. The popcorn theory states that when a new idea or thought is incepted into a human mind, it takes its own sweet time to process and assess it before it allows the conscious mind to accept and realize it. Hence, despite being educated of a particular fact together, only a few of us implement it immediately while others pop up later! It is a proven fact that the same idea that occurred to you at any point of time has hit a minimum of a hundred people too at some point of time. The difference lies in who, of the hundreds, catches it, realizes it and with ideals unfettered from meaningless shackles of the conventional society, chases his idea and from a dream, makes it a reality. This is one reason that many a times we come to know about things and realize oh! That was what I thought of some time ago.  The difference is that person had the courage to think out of the box and apply it too!consortium

We just need to have the courage to stand up for our ideas, because not all of us are Big Bs who have people applauding our pettiest idea with a “what an idea sirjee!” It has to face the torment of mass criticism if it has to be successful at the end.

So, gear up for one such fest, the VNIT CONSORTIUM coming this January that’ll provide you an all new horizon of revolutionary ideas! Be.the.change.

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