“It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you came from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always.” ~Oprah Winfrey

“I’ve always been a big believer in equality. No one has ever been able to tell me I couldn’t do something because I was a girl”  – Anne Hathaway

In the male dominant world, which we have always lived, women have from time to time never failed to surprise the world. Great names of women have been splattered across the pages of history in almost every field today. In the yesteryear when jobs curtailed to their dependence on a male head, women worked under them, but today even that trend seems to be changing. Independence is the word most apt. Women seek independence and in their quest they believe in recognizing no authority above and one branch where this seems possible is in the line of entrepreneurship.

Over the years several enterprising women have lost out due to the lack of liberty. The liberty to take things in their hands, the freedom to choose a profession is what draws women towards the entrepreneurship.

And not only the concept of independence but also the want for money, the ambition of achieving new heights, reaching new realms and most of all making a name for themselves.

So what drives these women; apart from the name and the fame? A recent survey conducted by womensweb.in divulges some striking facts about women entrepreneurs in India.

The city which wins, with the most enterprising women, was Bangalore. And the sector was IT closely followed by apparel and the accessory related sector.


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So who are these women? According to the survey the main chunk was from the age group of 25-30 and started out with at-least a post-graduation.


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The majority of women-owned businesses are micro-enterprises or small/mid-sized businesses, with 73% reporting a revenue of under Rs.10,00,000 (Rs. Ten lakh or One million) in the last financial year.

Corresponding to this, the majority had under 5 employees (71%)


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What drove women to start businesses? The opportunity to work more creatively and the perceived benefit of being one’s own boss were the top reasons chosen. While work-life balance was also chosen (by 36%) that was not the biggest reason for women turning entrepreneurs, as is commonly perceived.

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60% of women entrepreneurs started their business with a capital of under Rs.1,00,000, and personal funds and savings were used to start the business in a majority of cases. However, 30% of those surveyed stated that they had used more 1 source of funding.


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So with stories never ceasing to inspire, we see women, not only in India but in the world have realized that their purpose was not to remain dormant, but they could very well seize control. These are the stories of women, who have found their road, and are moving to their goals. These are the women who will remembered one day, as the some of the pioneers of the world

So to  bring out these qualities from within you comes CONSORTIUM 2013.



Popcorn theory!

Robin Williams says and I quote- “No matter what people tell you, words and  ideas can change the world”

We have heard it over and over again by different people in different styles, yet for majority of us the ‘pop’ of the popcorn theory hasn’t occurred yet. The popcorn theory states that when a new idea or thought is incepted into a human mind, it takes its own sweet time to process and assess it before it allows the conscious mind to accept and realize it. Hence, despite being educated of a particular fact together, only a few of us implement it immediately while others pop up later! It is a proven fact that the same idea that occurred to you at any point of time has hit a minimum of a hundred people too at some point of time. The difference lies in who, of the hundreds, catches it, realizes it and with ideals unfettered from meaningless shackles of the conventional society, chases his idea and from a dream, makes it a reality. This is one reason that many a times we come to know about things and realize oh! That was what I thought of some time ago.  The difference is that person had the courage to think out of the box and apply it too!consortium

We just need to have the courage to stand up for our ideas, because not all of us are Big Bs who have people applauding our pettiest idea with a “what an idea sirjee!” It has to face the torment of mass criticism if it has to be successful at the end.

So, gear up for one such fest, the VNIT CONSORTIUM coming this January that’ll provide you an all new horizon of revolutionary ideas! Be.the.change.

Because everything is STILL within your reach!

Whom do you call an Entrepreneur? Oxford dictionary defines an entrepreneur as – “A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit”. But is that all?

Is entrepreneurship only about setting up a new business for monetary gains? We don’t think so…….for we believe that entrepreneurship is not a profession. It is in fact a vision, a passion and most importantly a personification of the never dying human spirit.

It is because entrepreneurship is not just about us. It’s about each and every person who might, in even the minutest possible way, be benefitted. It is about searching for opportunities in the most turbulent times. It is about believing in CHANGE.

So this January, at CONSORTIUM’13 – VNIT’s annual entrepreneurship and management symposium, make YOUR push towards making that difference!

Where do new ideas come from?

Often our insights over new ideas emerge as a result of peaceful voluntary loneliness, like watching the sun set alone in the balcony with a cup of coffee. But, have we ever given an ounce of thought to where ideas actually come from?

Here is a short clip to tingle your senses and give you a realistic insight on the conception, inception and roots of ideas…

What is a new idea?

“You can judge your age by the amount of pain you feel when you come in contact with a new idea”

-Pearl S Buck

The thick volumes of oxford dictionary define a new idea as a fresh concept or mental impression, yet it is well known that every new idea looks crazy at first. A human mind treats a new idea the way the body treats a new protein; it rejects it. This video provides a true insight on what actually a new idea is.
CONSORTIUM 2013 kindles this spark of a new idea to rage a fire of CHANGE!
Visit www.consortiumvnit.wordpress.com for a better view of a world full of revolutionary ideas!

It’s time to BE THE CHANGE!

Consortium – The annual management and entrepreneurship symposium of VNIT, Nagpur will kick start in a month’s time and promises to create a platform to infuse the idea of entrepreneurship amongst us youth.

Under its purview Consortium will be conducting a plethora of workshops, conferences and events. The Annual Idea Conference conducted by the NSEF (National Social Entrepreneurship Forum) and the Entrepreneurship Summit (E-Summit) create an interactive opportunity for students to interact with Successful Business Tycoons and Entrpreneurs.

With events such as the B-plan competition, Human Resource Management, Euro-Crisis, EPL Manager, Urbanismo et al lined up, Consortium 2013 has it all. So brace up and get ready to ‘BE THE CHANGE’ this January.

Stay tuned for more updates on Conso’13.

E-Cell, VNIT Flagship Event and Consortium ’13 website launch

With the monsoon showers flourishing all over the Nagpur and enthusiastic beginning of the very new session, the E-cell VNIT, Nagpur is all set to host its first event in this academic year. But this time, the event is unique in itself. Diverting from its regular typical events that includes lectures and workshops by eminent personalities and young entrepreneurs on sub branches of management, on this occasion, we are offering something new that read over the official posters as guest lecture cum workshop on ‘Bollywood Engineering’. This sounds a little distant from management but that’s what sets it apart. But that’s not all, We are ready to be host to a successful personality in the entertainment world who shares his Alma Mater with us VNITians. A small introduction on him shall let you know about his career and life.

Milind Ukey, the famous director from the Indian film industry who holds the credit to direct and manage movies like Paathshaala, Hanuman, Khamoshi and many more,  will be with us as a prime part of this event. He was a part of the 1988 VRCE(VNIT) batch and a prominent alumni of the VRCE family now.

As the poster suggests, It basically is a workshop and the official website launch for the management fest of VNIT, Nagpur popularly and officially known as Consortium for the year 2012-13. The event shall feature guest lecture on “Creative Engineering” and workshop on SFX and video making.Mr. Milind Ukey wants to have one hour exclusive Q & A with students, Please come with as many as questions related to Film Production and Technology/Writing Script/ Light Effects/ Camera, etc.  The event is “Free of Cost”.

Time: 11:00 AM(IST)

Venue: Mining Seminar Hall, VNIT

Hoping to find you there !!

E-Cell VNIT, Nagpur- Get to know it

After establishing its image as an active and rapidly growing E-cell all over the central India, The E-Cell VNIT, Nagpur has finally launched a blog of its own. This is an interactive platform to dive in the insights of the events and activities conducted under the E-Cell through an informal way. Following this is a short note about the E-Cell as stated under its official website, http://ecell.vnit.ac.in

The Entrepreneurship cell of VNIT (E-Cell VNIT) was founded by some enthusiastic students of the 2004-2008 batch. This club has produced the then youngest CEO of India, Mr. Ashwin Baliwada (who is also one of the founding member of the Club).
The club provides a platform to students who want to setup their own business and opportunities to budding entrepreneurs to connect to successful businessmen and see their ideas turn into reality.

This blog will be updated with all the information and activities as soon as they happen within a nick of the time, so stay tuned to the blog to stay connected to the Ecell.